Pan Forms | Coupon Purchase | Pre Form and Ack Generate | Main Form Entry | Photo and Sign Scaning | Document Upload | Generate Batch 
   DEVA THIRUPUR- 8667330282  

Note: Access to use of Futronics device (Non RD service) has been removed. Please use the available RD Service options only.

As per UIDAI guidelines, the modification has been carried out for Masking of Aadhaar number on the Acknowledgement Receipt and on all other displays through the system. Only last four digits of Aadhaar number will be displayed.
For example: Aadhaar No. 1234-5678-0001 will be displayed as xxxx-xxxx-0001

Fingerprint Biometric facility is enabled using: Mantra Device (MFS100), Morpho Device (MSO1300E2/ MSO1300E3), TATVIK Devise (TMF20)

To run the device successfully for Aadhaar Biometric Authentication using fingerprint, please follow the respective instructions against each device as under:
For Mantra device
      1.To enable the device for RD Services, please take up with Mantra vendor for support.
      2.For installation, please follow the user manual Click Here
      3.For verification of RD Service and access to the installed device, please visit the link Click Here
      4.Click on the 'Discover AVDM' button to refresh the list of available Registered Devices with Ready status.

For Morpho device
      1. To enable the device for RD Services, please take up with Morpho vendor for support.
      2. For installation, please follow the user manual Click Here
      3. Click on the 'Discover RD Service' button to refresh the list of available Registered Devices with Ready status.
      4. Morpho installation and configuration keys. Click Here

For TATVIK TMF20 device
      1.For installation, please follow the user manual Click Here
   Revised Instructions for 49A and CSF (Click for details)

New Application

Objection Process

Process Note(NEW PAN Application):

1) Fill up the application form with information provided by applicant
2) Upload Documents
3) Create Batch on regular intervals having at least one Application.
4) Send courier, having all the required Hard Copies and the
    Batch Detail Sheet (of all the Batches created), at the end of every month to the address given below.